Granting Access

Granting access to the Xano support team for troubleshooting assistance

When seeking assistance from the Xano support team, it may become necessary for us to access your instance directly. If and when this need arises, you must provide permission via your instance settings.

Please note that permission granting is only available to instance admins and developers. Those with a billing-only role, for example, will not be able to grant support access.

  • Check the box to allow for support access.

Xano support is not notified when access is granted. You must inform the support agent you are working with that access is granted so they may proceed. At this time, you must revoke access manually once your issue is resolved.

Xano support will only access what is necessary to troubleshoot the issue you have contacted us about. You can track the support team's movements by using our user presence and collaboration features.

Last updated