AES-256 Decryption

By Bhanu Vadlakonda

Xano has support for a number of cryptography libraries. We have plans to expand the support for more cryptography libraries in the near future. Bhanu is using an API with an AES-256 encrypted response. Unfortunately, decryption for this is something that Xano does not support yet. Bhanu was able to find a solution using Integromat and Xano. His full stack is: Adalo + Xano + Integromat (for the decryption).

Here's how Bhanu accomplished decrypting his AES-256 response to convert to JSON:

  1. The encrypted response is sent as a webhook to Integromat.

  2. Integromat passes the data to the encryptor module (screen 2). Here, he sends the encrypted data + key to decrypt.

  3. It generates the decrypted data in JSON (screen 2).

  4. Todo: parse JSON in Integromat and send the data back to Xano via webhook.

  5. Capture the end result in a Xano table and send it to the Adalo front-end for the user to see.

Last updated