Release Track Preferences

Choose when you get Xano updates

Release track preferences are only available on our paid plans.

Please note that emergency patches or updates may override your release track preferences.

From your Instance settings panel, you have the ability to define when Xano updates are applied to that instance. This is helpful if you want to only deploy updates to a specific maintenance window that makes sense for your application, or schedule testing after an update is applied.

  • Choose between the available release track options, depending on your plan.

    • Immediate (default) will deploy new releases to your instance as soon as they are available.

    • Flexible allows you to specify a maintenance window for when releases are applied to your instance.

      • Maintenance Window allows you to choose a timeframe that the update can be applied.

      • Preferred release days is available as well if you want to only install updates on specific days of the week.

    • Manual (enterprise only) allows for full manual control of update deployment

Last updated