Managing your Backend with 'Referenced By'
Using the 'referenced by' feature building your application in Xano, as your arsenal of tables, API endpoints, functions, addons, and background tasks grows, you can use Xano's Referenced By feature to quickly jump to related elements in your instance.
This is especially helpful when performing maintenance tasks like cleaning up unused functions. You can quickly see where that function is used before deleting.
Where can I use Referenced By?
Referenced By is available when working almost anywhere in Xano, including...
Database tables
API endpoints
Let's say that you are working inside of a database table, and you want to quickly see all of the function stacks that utilize that table's data. This will show API endpoints, functions, addons, and background tasks, which you can quickly navigate to from the modal.
Referenced By in the Database View
In the database view, Referenced By has specific filtering and searching options available to quickly find items that reference that database table. This is especially helpful during a scenario like a performance audit for your application, as you can quickly find endpoints that specifically query that database table. Or, maybe you have some records that don't look right, and want to easily search for endpoints that add records.
Only display endpoints matching... This allows you to search by column name and/or the type of query Endpoint Method/Verb With this option, you can quickly filter by the endpoint method. |
Alternatively, you could be working inside of a custom function and want to quickly see every API endpoint that it is called by.
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