Database controls

The Database table page contains multiple controls to make it easy for you to create, edit, and view your tables. Let's go over these controls.

1. Table Name and ID

Shows the table name and corresponding table ID

2. Refresh View

Updates the table view with the latest data

3. Change View

Switch to another saved database view

4. Search, Filter, Sort, and Hide Fields

  • Search allows you to search your database fields for any matching data.

  • Filter allows for more granular control over your database view, offering several operators as well as AND/OR statements.

  • Sort allows for sorting of your database views. You can add multiple sorts to a single view if necessary.

  • Hide Fields allows you to hide certain fields from view.

5. Cut, Copy, and Paste

Cut, copy, and paste data inside of the database view.

6. Undo and Redo

Undo and redo actions taken inside of the database view.

7. Schema View, References, Indexes, Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Schema View allows you to view the schema of your table as JSON, and copy as JSON.

  • References will show you a list of all function stacks and other tables where this table is being referenced across your Xano workspace. Please note that Direct Database Query functions will not be showcased here.

  • Indexes are used to ensure performant queries against large tables. For more information on indexes, view this section of our documentation.

  • Keyboard Shortcuts offers a quick reference for keyboard shortcuts available inside of Xano.

8. Table Settings

  • Name - Change the name of your database table

  • Description - Add a description to your database table

  • Add Tag - Add descriptive tags to your database tables

  • Authentication - Enable this if you are using this table for authentication (such as a user table)

9. Share Table View

For more information on sharing database table views, click here.

10. User Presence

For more information on user presence, click here.

11. Card View

The card view enables you to make multiple edits to a record without editing each field separately.

12. Scroll to Bottom / Scroll to Next Page

Allows you to quickly jump to the next page of records, or to the bottom / top of the table, depending on your current position.

Additional controls:

  • You can double-click on the edge of a column name to shrink it to fit.

Change View Switch to a saved database view.

Search Perform a simple text search across all your records

View Keyboard Shortcuts This is the list of keyboard shortcuts you can use in the database table.

Undo / Redo Undo or redo your last edit on the database. Right-click on these icons to show a list of the undo / redo history and move directly back to a specific point.

Additional Options (ellipsis in the top-right corner)

  • Security

    • Edit the GUID of the database table (for advanced users only)

  • Versions

    • View and restore previous versions of database schema -- this does not restore lost data.

  • Auto-complete

    • Modify the data that is displayed from this table in table reference fields. See this section of our documentation for more information.

  • Clear All Records

    • Remove all records in the database. You can also select an option at the bottom of the panel to reset the record IDs back to 1.

  • Clone Table

    • Clones the schema to a new table

  • Export CSV

  • Import CSV

    • Imports a CSV to an existing table. If your CSV has a primary key specified, and that primary key matches the primary key of records that already exist in your database (this is typically the ID field), you can use this to bulk edit records.

Column Controls

Click on a column header and a dropdown will appear.

  • Hide

    • Hides this field from the database view

  • Filter

    • Filters the current view by this column

  • Rename

    • Renames the column. This will result in data loss -- if you need to retain the data, please copy it to a new column instead.

  • Change Type

    • Changes the data type of the column. This will also usually result in data loss, so please plan accordingly.

      • When changing type, if you choose Integer, you can link a table to this column and turn it into a table reference field.

      • Structure: one value per record or multiple values per record

      • Nullable: determine if the field should allow null values

  • Insert Column After

    • Inserts a column next to the one selected

  • Settings

    • Description

      • Add a description to the field

    • Default Value

      • Add a default value to be populated when that field is blank

    • API Access

      • Determines the visibility of the field in API requests. See this section of our documentation for more information.

    • Required

      • Enforces at the database level whether or not this field is required in each record

    • Filters

      • Enforces certain data restrictions or manipulation at the database level, such as "this field must contain at least 1 number".

      • Please note that these filters are only enforced when data is added or changed via your function stacks. You can still add data manually that does not conform to the filters you have set.

Last updated