Has Record

Has record checks to see is a record from the database has a value defined. In other words, it is checking is a record exists or not based on the field you are looking up.

Has record will return a true or false value whether or not a record has a value. Often times, has record may be used with a conditional (If... then... else...) to perform other logic based on the result.


  • Field name: This is the name of the field (column) in your database table that you want to find the record by. Field name will be defaulted to the ID field but you can open the dropdown selector to choose from the list of different fields in the database table.

  • Field value: This how you find the record based on the value of the field name. The field value is typically an input but can also come from things like a variable or the authenticated user ID.


The response will be a boolean (true or false). If a record exists (there is a record that has the specified value for the field) then the result will be true. If not, then the result will false. The result is stored in the variable.


Settings allow you to add a description or comments to describe what the function is doing. This is useful for ease of use in large function stacks to describe what each step is doing.

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